Golden Heirs (60 & Up)

E-Group (Entrepreneurship)

Better 2Gether (40 & under)

Grub and Games (Dining Out & Games)

Joyful Noise (Music Practice & Fellowship)

The Outsiders  (Outdoors Activities, etc.)

Men’s Breakfast (Men/Dining Out)

Today’s Girls (Girls 6 – 11 yrs.)

MEMES (Mom’s Encouraging Moms Everyday)

Women of the Kingdom (Ladies Bible Study)

The Golfing Group (Men's Golfing Group)

Soul Sisters (Ladies Group)

Forward Recovery (Overcoming Addictions)

Outreach (Reaching out to Community)

Landmark Conquers (Boys Group)

Pathfinders (Children’s Group)


The Anchor Youth

Exciting things are happening at Landmark Pentecostal Church, and one of them is The Anchor Youth Group! The Anchor is an “on fire for God” group of young people and a great place for your teen to connect to the church. The Anchor offers a great number and variety of activities; ministering to ages 12 - 17 yrs old, The Anchor meets every Friday night at 7:00 PM. 


The purpose of “Connect Ministries” is to connect the heart of our community with the Church and the saving truth of Jesus Christ. This endeavor is one with many facets, all born of a burden for the lost. Be it knocking on their doors, mailing out literature, advertising in periodicals, visitor follow-up, telephone ministry, in-home Bible studies, and prison ministry.  

Hospitality Department

Our hostesses are on duty before each service. They welcome all who come to worship, hand out bulletins and assist all visitors. Each service, ushers are on hand to ensure the comfort of each worshipper. They are available throughout the service to assist as needed.  


Our ladies ministries serves in several areas of the church. They provide food and support during times of crisis and also help celebrate times of joy with baby and wedding showers. The ladies support the work of God abroad by participating in programs such as Mother‘s Memorial.  The ladies meet several times a quarter. 


The Media Ministry is a team of skilled technicians who faithfully monitor and maintain the quality of sound in every service and special event at Landmark Pentecostal Church. The Media Team also copies and sells CDs of all our services. 


Landmark Missions is blessed to support over 50 foreign and home missionaries.  We have an annual Worldwide Missions Conference that keeps us focused on missions at home and abroad.   


We believe Worship and Praise through music is a vital resource that we can give unto our God. Through the use of musical instruments and voices of praise, (Psalms 150) many have renewed their relationship with Christ, received blessings and became inspired as the Holy Ghost was ushered into our presence!  We also believe that the Ministry of Music is vital to ushering in the Hand of God to move and prepare the hearts of men and women for the preached Word of God. 

Sunday School

Children’s Ministries includes thriving and growing Sunday School Classes, Children’s Church, Bus Ministry, and Christian Development. Each week Sunday school outreach teams are visiting and reaching out to children in the community; sharing with them the love of God and the plan of salvation according to Acts 2:38. The weekly Sunday school activities include Bible stories, art projects, snacks, Bible memorization, games, and other events.